一句一译的安徒生童话 第6章 丑小鸭 The Ugly Duckling(第1/2页)
《丑小鸭》,1844 年
the Ugly dug, 1844
在过去的一个半世纪里,丑小鸭一直备受青睐,它在布拉姆?斯托克(bram Stoker)的《德古拉》(dracula)中被提及,在谢尔盖?普罗科菲耶夫(Sergei prokofiev)的音乐中被颂扬,而且不出所料地,在华特?迪士尼(walt disney)的电影中被采用。
the ugly dug has led a charmed existence over the past tury and a half, alluded to in bram Stoker’s dracula, celebrated in Sergei prokofiev’s musid, less surprisingly, taken up in walt disney’s films.
这只可怜、被人鄙视的鸟儿的故事在许多文化中广为流传,成为我们最喜爱 —— 也是最令人安心的 —— 童年故事之一。
the story of the abject, despised bird has taken hold in many cultures, being one of our most beloved—and most reassuring—childhood tales.
It promises all of us, children and adults, that we have the capacity to transform ourselves for the better.
Like many a fairy - tale character, the ugly dug is meek and small, the you in the brood.
A misfit out of pla the barnyard, in the wilderness, and in the domestic arena, he is uo find a bond with other creatures.
但是,就像安徒生自己年轻时一样,它富有冒险精神且意志坚定,决心走向 “广阔世界”。
but, like Andersen himself as a youth, he is adventurous aermined, resolving to go out into “the wide world.”
his metamorphosis into a beautiful swan has been evoked feions as a source of fort to those suffering from feelings of social isolation and personal inadequacy.
孩子弱小无力,常常被轻视对待,他们可能会认同安徒生笔下的这个 “丑陋” 的生物,它可能没有什么前途,但最终却超越了那些看似有前途的。
Small, powerless, and ofteed dismissively, children are likely to identify with Andersen’s “hideous” creature, who may be unpromising but who also, in time, surpasses the promising.
正如布鲁诺?贝特尔海姆(bruelheim)在《魔法的用途》(the Uses of Entment)中指出的那样,安徒生笔下的主角不必接受通常强加给童话英雄的考验、任务和磨难。
As bruelheim points out in the Uses of Entment, Andersen’s protagonist does not have to submit to the tests, tasks, and trials usually imposed on the heroes of fairy tales.
“o acplish anything is expressed in ‘the Ugly dug.’ things are simply fated and unfold accly, whether or not the hero takes some a”.
Andersen suggests that the ugly dug’s innate superiority resides in the fact that he is of a different breed.
Uhe other ducks, he has been hatched from a swan’s egg.
这种自然界中隐含的等级制度 —— 高贵的天鹅与谷仓里的乌合之众相对 —— 似乎表明尊严和价值,以及审美和道德上的优越性,是由天性而非成就决定的。
this implied hierarchy in nature—majestic swans versus the barnyard rabble—seems to suggest that dignity and worth, along with aesthetid moral superiority, are determined by nature rather than by acplishment.
whatever the pleasures of a story that celebrates the triumph of the underdog, it is worth p the full range of ethical ahetic issues raised by that victory in a story that is read today by children the world over.
《丑小鸭》与其他三个故事一起发表在名为《新童话集》(New Fairy tales)的合集中。
“the Ugly dug” ublished with three other tales in a colle called New Fairy tales.
它几乎立刻就售罄了,安徒生在 1843 年 12 月 18 日的一封信中自豪地写到了它的成功:
It sold out almost immediately, and Andersen wrote with pride about its success in a letter of december 18, 1843:
“the book is selling like hot cakes! All the papers are praising it, everyone is reading it! No books of mine are appreciated in the way that these fairy tales are!”
It was lovely summer weather in the try, and the golden , the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful.
the stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother.
the - fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools.
It was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the try.
In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm - house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that uhe tallest of them a little child could stand upright.
the spot was as wild as the tre of a thick wood.
In this snug retreat sat a du her , watg for her young brood to hatch;
she was beginning to get tired of her task, for the little ones were a long time ing out of their shells, and she seldom had any visitors.
the other ducks liked much better to swim about in the river than to climb the slippery banks, and sit under a burdock leaf, to have a gossip with her.
At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, “peep, peep.”
“嘎嘎,嘎嘎。” 母鸭说道,然后它们都尽可能地嘎嘎叫着,并且四处张望着那些大绿叶。
“quack, quack,” said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and looked about them on every side at the large green leaves.
their mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the eyes.
“世界多大呀,” 小鸭子们说道,当它们发现现在拥有的空间比在蛋壳里的时候大多了的时候。
“how large the world is,” said the young ducks, when they found how much more room they now had than while they were ihe egg - shell.
“do you imagihis is the whole world?”
asked the mother;
“wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that to the parson’s field, but I have never veo such a distance.
Are you all out?”
she tinued, rising;
“No, I declare, the largest egg lies there still. I wonder how long this is to last, I am quite tired of it;”
and she seated herself again on the .
“well, how are you getting on?”
asked an old duck, who paid her a visit.
“还有一个蛋没孵出来呢,” 母鸭说,“它就是不破。
“one egg is not hatched yet,” said the duck, “it will not break.
but just look at all the others, are they not the prettiest little dugs you ever saw?
they are the image of their father, who is so unkind, he never es to see.”
“让我看看这个孵不破的蛋,” 老鸭说;
“Let me see the egg that will not break,” said the duck;
“I have no doubt it is a turkey’s egg.
I ersuaded to hate once, and after all my care and trouble with the young ohey were afraid of the water.
I quacked and clucked, but all to no purpose.
I could not get them to venture i me look at the egg.
Yes, that is a turkey’s egg; take my advice, leave it where it is and teach the other children to swim.”
“我想我还是再在上面坐一会儿吧,” 母鸭说;
“I think I will sit on it a little while longer,” said the duck;
“as I have sat so long already, a few days will be nothing.”
“随你的便吧,” 老鸭说,然后就走了。
“please yourself,” said the old duck, and she went a> 最后,那个大蛋破了,一只小鸭子爬了出来,叫道:“叽叽,叽叽。”
At last the large egg broke, and a young one crept forth g, “peep, peep.”
It was very large and ugly.
the duck stared at it and exclaimed, “It is very large and not at all like the others.
I wonder if it really is a turkey. we shall soon find it out, however when we go to the water.
It must go in, if I have to push it myself.”
on the day the weather was delightful, and the sun shone brightly on the green burdock leaves, so the mother duck took her young brood down to the water, and jumped in with a splash.
“嘎嘎,嘎嘎。” 她叫着,小鸭子们一只接一只地跳进水里。
“quack, quack,” cried she, and oer ahe little dugs jumped in.
the water closed over their heads, but they came up again in an instant, and swam about quite prettily with their legs paddling uhem as easily as possible, and the ugly dug was also ier swimming with them.
“哦,” 鸭妈妈说,“那不是火鸡;
“oh,” said the mother, “that is not a turkey;
how well he uses his legs, and how upright he holds himself! he is my own child, and he is not sly after all if you look at him properly.
quack, quack! e with me now, I will take you into grand society, and introduce you to the farmyard, but you must keep close to me or you may be trodden upon;
and, above all, beware of the cat.”
when they reached the farmyard, there was a great disturbawo families were fighting for an eel’s head, which, after all, was carried off by the cat.
“看,孩子们,这就是世道。” 鸭妈妈磨着嘴说道,因为她自己也很想要那个鳗鱼头。
“See, children, that is the way of the world,” said the mother duck, whetting her beak, for she would have liked the eel’s head herself.
“e, now, use ys, a me see how well you behave.
You must bow your heads prettily to that old duck yonder;
she is the highest born of them all, and has Spanish blood, therefore, she is well off.
don’t you see she has a red flag tied t, which is something very grand, and a great honor for a duck;
it shows that every one is anxious not to lose her, as she be reized both by man a.
e, now, don’t turn your toes, a well - bred dug spreads his feet wide apart, just like his father and mother, in this > 现在弯下你们的脖子,说‘嘎嘎’。”
now bend your neck, and say ‘quack.’”
the dugs did as they were bid, but the other duck stared, and said, “Look, here es another brood, as if there were not enough of us already! and what a queer looking objee of them is;
我们不想让他待在这里,” 然后一只鸭子飞出来咬他的脖子。
we don’t want him here,” and then one flew out and bit him in the neck.
“别管他,” 鸭妈妈说;
“Let him alone,” said the mother;
“he is not doing any harm.”
“是的,但是他又大又丑,” 那只恶毒的鸭子说,“所以必须把他赶走。”
“Yes, but he is so big and ugly,” said the spiteful duck “and therefore he must be turned out.”
“其他的都是非常可爱的孩子,” 腿上系着破布的老鸭说,“除了那一个;
“the others are very pretty children,” said the old duck, with the rag on her leg, “all but that one;
I wish his mother could improve him a little.”
“那是不可能的,夫人,” 鸭妈妈回答说;
“that is impossible, yrace,” replied the mother;
“he is not pretty; but he has a very good disposition, and swims as well or eveer thahers.
I think he will grow up pretty, and perhaps be smaller;
he has remaioo long in the egg, and therefore his figure is not properly formed;”
and theroked his ned smoothed the feathers, saying, “It is a drake, and therefore not of so much sequence.
I think he will grow up strong, and able to take care of himself.”
“其他小鸭子够优雅的了,” 老鸭说。
“the other dugs are graceful enough,” said the old duck.
“Now make yourself at home, and if you find an eel’s head, you bring it to me.”
And so they made themselves fortable; but the poor dug, who had crept out of his shell last of all, and looked so ugly, was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by all the poultry.
“他太大了,” 他们都说,那只生来就长着距的雄火鸡,自认为自己真的是个皇帝,像满帆的船一样鼓起身子,向小鸭子扑来,气得脑袋通红,可怜的小家伙不知道该去哪里,因为自己长得丑又被整个农家院子嘲笑,非常痛苦。
“he is too big,” they all said, and the turkey cock, who had been born into the world with spurs, and fancied himself really an emperor, puffed himself out like a vessel in full sail, and flew at the dug, and became quite red in the head with passion, so that the poor little thing did not know where to go, and was quite miserable because he was so ugly and laughed at by the whole farmyard.
So it went on from day to day till it got worse and worse.
这只可怜的小鸭子被所有人赶来赶去;甚至他的兄弟姐妹也对他不好,还会说:“啊,你这个丑东西,我希望猫把你抓走,” 他的妈妈也说她希望他从来没有出生过。
the poor dug was driven about by every one; even his brothers and sisters were unkind to him, and would say, “Ah, you ugly creature, I wish the cat would get you,” and his mother said she wished he had never been born.
the ducks pecked him, the chis beat him, and the girl who fed the poultry kicked him with her feet.
So at last he ran away, frightening the little birds in the hedge as he flew over the palings.
“它们害怕我是因为我长得丑,” 他说。
“they are afraid of me because I am ugly,” he said.
So he closed his eyes, and flew still farther, until he came out on a large moor, inhabited by wild ducks.
here he remaihe whole night, feeliired and sorrowful.
In the m, when the wild ducks rose in the air, they stared at their new rade.
“what sort of a duck are you?”
they all said, ing round him.
he bowed to them, and olite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question.
“你丑得要命,” 野鸭们说,“但如果你不想娶我们家族的一员,那也没关系。”
“You are exceedingly ugly,” said the wild ducks, “but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one of our family.”
poor thing! he had no thoughts of marriage; all he wanted ermission to lie among the rushes, and drink some of the water on the moor.
After he had been on the moor two days, there came two wild geese, or rather goslings, for they had not been out of the egg long, and were very saucy.
“听着,朋友,” 其中一只对小鸭子说,“你这么丑,我们很喜欢你。
“Listen, friend,” said one of them to the dug, “you are so ugly, that we like you very well.
will you go with us, and bee a bird of passage?
Not far from here is another moor, in which there are some pretty wild geese, all unmarried.
It is a ce for you to get a wife; you may be lucky, ugly as you are.”
“砰,砰。” 空中传来两声枪响,两只野鹅倒在灯芯草丛中死了,水被血染红了。
“pop, pop,” sounded in
the Ugly dug, 1844
在过去的一个半世纪里,丑小鸭一直备受青睐,它在布拉姆?斯托克(bram Stoker)的《德古拉》(dracula)中被提及,在谢尔盖?普罗科菲耶夫(Sergei prokofiev)的音乐中被颂扬,而且不出所料地,在华特?迪士尼(walt disney)的电影中被采用。
the ugly dug has led a charmed existence over the past tury and a half, alluded to in bram Stoker’s dracula, celebrated in Sergei prokofiev’s musid, less surprisingly, taken up in walt disney’s films.
这只可怜、被人鄙视的鸟儿的故事在许多文化中广为流传,成为我们最喜爱 —— 也是最令人安心的 —— 童年故事之一。
the story of the abject, despised bird has taken hold in many cultures, being one of our most beloved—and most reassuring—childhood tales.
It promises all of us, children and adults, that we have the capacity to transform ourselves for the better.
Like many a fairy - tale character, the ugly dug is meek and small, the you in the brood.
A misfit out of pla the barnyard, in the wilderness, and in the domestic arena, he is uo find a bond with other creatures.
但是,就像安徒生自己年轻时一样,它富有冒险精神且意志坚定,决心走向 “广阔世界”。
but, like Andersen himself as a youth, he is adventurous aermined, resolving to go out into “the wide world.”
his metamorphosis into a beautiful swan has been evoked feions as a source of fort to those suffering from feelings of social isolation and personal inadequacy.
孩子弱小无力,常常被轻视对待,他们可能会认同安徒生笔下的这个 “丑陋” 的生物,它可能没有什么前途,但最终却超越了那些看似有前途的。
Small, powerless, and ofteed dismissively, children are likely to identify with Andersen’s “hideous” creature, who may be unpromising but who also, in time, surpasses the promising.
正如布鲁诺?贝特尔海姆(bruelheim)在《魔法的用途》(the Uses of Entment)中指出的那样,安徒生笔下的主角不必接受通常强加给童话英雄的考验、任务和磨难。
As bruelheim points out in the Uses of Entment, Andersen’s protagonist does not have to submit to the tests, tasks, and trials usually imposed on the heroes of fairy tales.
“o acplish anything is expressed in ‘the Ugly dug.’ things are simply fated and unfold accly, whether or not the hero takes some a”.
Andersen suggests that the ugly dug’s innate superiority resides in the fact that he is of a different breed.
Uhe other ducks, he has been hatched from a swan’s egg.
这种自然界中隐含的等级制度 —— 高贵的天鹅与谷仓里的乌合之众相对 —— 似乎表明尊严和价值,以及审美和道德上的优越性,是由天性而非成就决定的。
this implied hierarchy in nature—majestic swans versus the barnyard rabble—seems to suggest that dignity and worth, along with aesthetid moral superiority, are determined by nature rather than by acplishment.
whatever the pleasures of a story that celebrates the triumph of the underdog, it is worth p the full range of ethical ahetic issues raised by that victory in a story that is read today by children the world over.
《丑小鸭》与其他三个故事一起发表在名为《新童话集》(New Fairy tales)的合集中。
“the Ugly dug” ublished with three other tales in a colle called New Fairy tales.
它几乎立刻就售罄了,安徒生在 1843 年 12 月 18 日的一封信中自豪地写到了它的成功:
It sold out almost immediately, and Andersen wrote with pride about its success in a letter of december 18, 1843:
“the book is selling like hot cakes! All the papers are praising it, everyone is reading it! No books of mine are appreciated in the way that these fairy tales are!”
It was lovely summer weather in the try, and the golden , the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful.
the stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother.
the - fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools.
It was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the try.
In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm - house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that uhe tallest of them a little child could stand upright.
the spot was as wild as the tre of a thick wood.
In this snug retreat sat a du her , watg for her young brood to hatch;
she was beginning to get tired of her task, for the little ones were a long time ing out of their shells, and she seldom had any visitors.
the other ducks liked much better to swim about in the river than to climb the slippery banks, and sit under a burdock leaf, to have a gossip with her.
At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, “peep, peep.”
“嘎嘎,嘎嘎。” 母鸭说道,然后它们都尽可能地嘎嘎叫着,并且四处张望着那些大绿叶。
“quack, quack,” said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and looked about them on every side at the large green leaves.
their mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the eyes.
“世界多大呀,” 小鸭子们说道,当它们发现现在拥有的空间比在蛋壳里的时候大多了的时候。
“how large the world is,” said the young ducks, when they found how much more room they now had than while they were ihe egg - shell.
“do you imagihis is the whole world?”
asked the mother;
“wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that to the parson’s field, but I have never veo such a distance.
Are you all out?”
she tinued, rising;
“No, I declare, the largest egg lies there still. I wonder how long this is to last, I am quite tired of it;”
and she seated herself again on the .
“well, how are you getting on?”
asked an old duck, who paid her a visit.
“还有一个蛋没孵出来呢,” 母鸭说,“它就是不破。
“one egg is not hatched yet,” said the duck, “it will not break.
but just look at all the others, are they not the prettiest little dugs you ever saw?
they are the image of their father, who is so unkind, he never es to see.”
“让我看看这个孵不破的蛋,” 老鸭说;
“Let me see the egg that will not break,” said the duck;
“I have no doubt it is a turkey’s egg.
I ersuaded to hate once, and after all my care and trouble with the young ohey were afraid of the water.
I quacked and clucked, but all to no purpose.
I could not get them to venture i me look at the egg.
Yes, that is a turkey’s egg; take my advice, leave it where it is and teach the other children to swim.”
“我想我还是再在上面坐一会儿吧,” 母鸭说;
“I think I will sit on it a little while longer,” said the duck;
“as I have sat so long already, a few days will be nothing.”
“随你的便吧,” 老鸭说,然后就走了。
“please yourself,” said the old duck, and she went a> 最后,那个大蛋破了,一只小鸭子爬了出来,叫道:“叽叽,叽叽。”
At last the large egg broke, and a young one crept forth g, “peep, peep.”
It was very large and ugly.
the duck stared at it and exclaimed, “It is very large and not at all like the others.
I wonder if it really is a turkey. we shall soon find it out, however when we go to the water.
It must go in, if I have to push it myself.”
on the day the weather was delightful, and the sun shone brightly on the green burdock leaves, so the mother duck took her young brood down to the water, and jumped in with a splash.
“嘎嘎,嘎嘎。” 她叫着,小鸭子们一只接一只地跳进水里。
“quack, quack,” cried she, and oer ahe little dugs jumped in.
the water closed over their heads, but they came up again in an instant, and swam about quite prettily with their legs paddling uhem as easily as possible, and the ugly dug was also ier swimming with them.
“哦,” 鸭妈妈说,“那不是火鸡;
“oh,” said the mother, “that is not a turkey;
how well he uses his legs, and how upright he holds himself! he is my own child, and he is not sly after all if you look at him properly.
quack, quack! e with me now, I will take you into grand society, and introduce you to the farmyard, but you must keep close to me or you may be trodden upon;
and, above all, beware of the cat.”
when they reached the farmyard, there was a great disturbawo families were fighting for an eel’s head, which, after all, was carried off by the cat.
“看,孩子们,这就是世道。” 鸭妈妈磨着嘴说道,因为她自己也很想要那个鳗鱼头。
“See, children, that is the way of the world,” said the mother duck, whetting her beak, for she would have liked the eel’s head herself.
“e, now, use ys, a me see how well you behave.
You must bow your heads prettily to that old duck yonder;
she is the highest born of them all, and has Spanish blood, therefore, she is well off.
don’t you see she has a red flag tied t, which is something very grand, and a great honor for a duck;
it shows that every one is anxious not to lose her, as she be reized both by man a.
e, now, don’t turn your toes, a well - bred dug spreads his feet wide apart, just like his father and mother, in this > 现在弯下你们的脖子,说‘嘎嘎’。”
now bend your neck, and say ‘quack.’”
the dugs did as they were bid, but the other duck stared, and said, “Look, here es another brood, as if there were not enough of us already! and what a queer looking objee of them is;
我们不想让他待在这里,” 然后一只鸭子飞出来咬他的脖子。
we don’t want him here,” and then one flew out and bit him in the neck.
“别管他,” 鸭妈妈说;
“Let him alone,” said the mother;
“he is not doing any harm.”
“是的,但是他又大又丑,” 那只恶毒的鸭子说,“所以必须把他赶走。”
“Yes, but he is so big and ugly,” said the spiteful duck “and therefore he must be turned out.”
“其他的都是非常可爱的孩子,” 腿上系着破布的老鸭说,“除了那一个;
“the others are very pretty children,” said the old duck, with the rag on her leg, “all but that one;
I wish his mother could improve him a little.”
“那是不可能的,夫人,” 鸭妈妈回答说;
“that is impossible, yrace,” replied the mother;
“he is not pretty; but he has a very good disposition, and swims as well or eveer thahers.
I think he will grow up pretty, and perhaps be smaller;
he has remaioo long in the egg, and therefore his figure is not properly formed;”
and theroked his ned smoothed the feathers, saying, “It is a drake, and therefore not of so much sequence.
I think he will grow up strong, and able to take care of himself.”
“其他小鸭子够优雅的了,” 老鸭说。
“the other dugs are graceful enough,” said the old duck.
“Now make yourself at home, and if you find an eel’s head, you bring it to me.”
And so they made themselves fortable; but the poor dug, who had crept out of his shell last of all, and looked so ugly, was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by all the poultry.
“他太大了,” 他们都说,那只生来就长着距的雄火鸡,自认为自己真的是个皇帝,像满帆的船一样鼓起身子,向小鸭子扑来,气得脑袋通红,可怜的小家伙不知道该去哪里,因为自己长得丑又被整个农家院子嘲笑,非常痛苦。
“he is too big,” they all said, and the turkey cock, who had been born into the world with spurs, and fancied himself really an emperor, puffed himself out like a vessel in full sail, and flew at the dug, and became quite red in the head with passion, so that the poor little thing did not know where to go, and was quite miserable because he was so ugly and laughed at by the whole farmyard.
So it went on from day to day till it got worse and worse.
这只可怜的小鸭子被所有人赶来赶去;甚至他的兄弟姐妹也对他不好,还会说:“啊,你这个丑东西,我希望猫把你抓走,” 他的妈妈也说她希望他从来没有出生过。
the poor dug was driven about by every one; even his brothers and sisters were unkind to him, and would say, “Ah, you ugly creature, I wish the cat would get you,” and his mother said she wished he had never been born.
the ducks pecked him, the chis beat him, and the girl who fed the poultry kicked him with her feet.
So at last he ran away, frightening the little birds in the hedge as he flew over the palings.
“它们害怕我是因为我长得丑,” 他说。
“they are afraid of me because I am ugly,” he said.
So he closed his eyes, and flew still farther, until he came out on a large moor, inhabited by wild ducks.
here he remaihe whole night, feeliired and sorrowful.
In the m, when the wild ducks rose in the air, they stared at their new rade.
“what sort of a duck are you?”
they all said, ing round him.
he bowed to them, and olite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question.
“你丑得要命,” 野鸭们说,“但如果你不想娶我们家族的一员,那也没关系。”
“You are exceedingly ugly,” said the wild ducks, “but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one of our family.”
poor thing! he had no thoughts of marriage; all he wanted ermission to lie among the rushes, and drink some of the water on the moor.
After he had been on the moor two days, there came two wild geese, or rather goslings, for they had not been out of the egg long, and were very saucy.
“听着,朋友,” 其中一只对小鸭子说,“你这么丑,我们很喜欢你。
“Listen, friend,” said one of them to the dug, “you are so ugly, that we like you very well.
will you go with us, and bee a bird of passage?
Not far from here is another moor, in which there are some pretty wild geese, all unmarried.
It is a ce for you to get a wife; you may be lucky, ugly as you are.”
“砰,砰。” 空中传来两声枪响,两只野鹅倒在灯芯草丛中死了,水被血染红了。
“pop, pop,” sounded in